Daniel&Valentina Photography

How much does a wedding photographer cost in Italy?

How much does a wedding photographer cost in Italy? It’s the most common question! Wedding photographer prices in Italy can vary depending on many factors. Those including your wedding’s location, the type of services and packages you’re looking for, and your chosen photographer’s experience and expertise.


In general, wedding photographer prices in Italy tends to range between $1,500 and $5,000, with the average cost hovering around $2,500. Keep in mind that your wedding photographer will likely comprise about 12 percent of your overall wedding budget. Prices in Italy are lower than Americans or European professionals but you need to know exactly what you need and what you want. After your wedding your photos will be the only thing to remember this beautiful day. Photography is an investment on memories! When these are important to you, be prepared to spend your money well!

Do you want a cheap photographer?

Does your budget really stretch? You can easly find some photographers with cheaper prices. Remember that there are no second chances with wedding photography and a cheap photographer could do a poor job.

Wedding Season in Italy is from May to October. For a photographer who shoot more than 100 weddings obviously his clients experience isn’t his first thought. If you choose a studio with many associates ask for the specific professional you want!

Supposing that the photographer is not a priority for you, finding an inexpensive one is not that difficult.

What’s covered in a wedding photographer’s cost in Italy?

While researching wedding photographers, be sure to read the information about pricing and packages! These tend to differ widely from photographer to photographer and can greatly affect wedding photography pricing.

A few items and services to look:

There are other, less obvious parts of a wedding photographer’s business that may be included in their package pricing. It can include equipment, business expenses, marketing, liability insurance, film or digital technology and more.

Do I need to tip my wedding photographer?

Tips aren’t included in a photographer’s package. If your photographer owns his or her business, you don’t need to tip but you should write a review for your photographer as an added thank-you. Every photographer will appreciate it!

Do I have to pay for my wedding photographer’s meals?

For your wedding vendors who will be present during your actual wedding you will need to provide meals. This is an extra expense but it’s an important one. Be sure to discuss Staff Meals with your caterer before the wedding.

What are the important questions to ask a photographer before booking?

When looking for a photographer for the first time, there are questions you should be sure to ask before booking.

•    Can I see a full album from a wedding?

•    Have you ever shot a wedding in my venue before?

•    How much are your packages and what do they include?

•    When and how will I receive my images?

•    How many weddings do you photograph in a year?

•    What do you enjoy most about photographing weddings?

•    Can I see a contract?

Are you looking for a wedding photographer in Italy? Contact Us for more info!

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